

The Australian Association of Constitutional Law welcomes new members.

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A person may become an ordinary member by applying for membership, subscribing to the objects of AACL and paying the annual subscription. The procedure for applying for such membership is determined by Council and the Executive determines whether to accept or reject such an application.

A person is eligible to be a Member of the Association if he or she:

  • is (or has been) a teacher of constitutional law in a university or tertiary educational institution;
  • is a scholar engaged in research in the field of constitutional law or is a scholar from a related discipline with a specialist interest in the same field;
  • is a judge, legal practitioner or government legal officer;
  • is a member of an association which is a member of the International Association of Constitutional Law or any association formed with similar objects in relation to constitutional law in New Zealand, Papua New Guinea. and such other countries as are determined for this purpose by the Council; 
  • is someone who is adjudged by the Council as having a sufficient interest, whether by reason of practical experience or occupation, in the field of constitutional law; or
  • is enrolled in a relevant degree at an Australian university.